
Check the address before completing the KYC form, it should read https://register.emmares.io/

Token sale terms

Read and confirm to proceed.

Your identity

Contribute via any ERC20 compatible wallet (eg. MyEtherWallet) for which you and only you hold its private keys.
Note that contribution from smart contracts or exchanges will not be accepted.

Fill in the fields below only if you invest as a company. All fields are required.

You need to upload this file only if you invest as a company.

Please note that only JPG, JPEG, PNG and PDF extensions are valid and that the file size must not exceed 15 MB!
Please check the quality of the images before sending. The text on the extract from the company register must be readable.

Upload files

If you send a copy of your passport, two files must be uploaded (passport and selfie with passport).
If you send a copy of your ID, all three files must be uploaded (front and back of the ID and selfie with the front of the ID).

Please note that only JPG, JPEG, PNG and PDF extensions are valid and that the file size must not exceed 15 MB!
Please check the quality of the images before sending. The text on the passport / id must be readable and selfie identifiable.

Click the SEND FORM button only once!