Email as you know it
will never be the same
Imagine a world without spam, only high quality targeted content.
What is Emmares?
EMMARES is creating a global digital reputation of email content providers and their contents. Based on trusted evaluations and Quality score, recipients can find the best content based on their interests.
Imagine a world of e-mail without spam, with only high quality targeted content. EMMARES, short for Email Marketing Rewarding System, is an evaluation system that highly benefits email marketers (senders) as well as email recipients (therefore everyone who uses email).
Emmares platform is ready to go
We wanted EMMARES MVP to be functional from it’s beginning and not just releasing demo product. We will give nonrefundable (beta)tokens to selected companies, to make their first EMMARES promotional campaigns. Such tokens can be traded through crypto exchanges or trading bots like Chain Reaction. Chain Reaction is a highly rated automated crypto trading bot widely accepted by most investors and traders. You can find was ist Chain Reaction and how to use it from its official website. We want to represent different content types to begin the race with good representatives of each content field of interest. Digital content reputation will be public and visible to everyone. The system is designed to help good content providers and to make life harder for spammers.
Emmares works with

And many many more….
This timeline details our funding and
development goals.
ESP provider
sinceJANUARY 2016
Development of
a new ESPMAY 2017
Idea of Emmares
JULY 2017
Project and ICO
preparationOCTOBER 2017
Announcement on Blockchain
Adria conferenceJANUARY 16 2018
Official Emmares
announcementFEBRUARY/MARCH 2018
MAY 2018
Q2 2018
Q2 2018
Beta rollout
EmmaresQ4 2018 - Q1 2019
Production Emmares
and beta smart servicesQ1 - Q2 2019
Production smart
servicesQ2 - Q4 2019
Token distribution
- 51 % Presale and crowdsale
- 23 % New account opening incentives pool
- 17% Founders and team
- 5% Reserved for future strategic partners, ambasadors
- 3% Pre token crowdsale contributions, advisors
- 1 % Bounties
Team members
Let us introduce you to the team that will make it all happen.
Legal counselors
The system generates great possibilities for smart content connection and unseen new possibilities for marketers to find new targeted and interested public.
We strongly believe that EMMARES is “the next big thing” and joining EMMARES now reminds me joining Google in early days.